How to Read Your Receipt and Check on the Status of Your Classes

To learn how to figure out the status of your classes from your receipt, please download my demonstration screenshot below.

The top portion of your invoice shows your PAYMENT.

In the example below, you see $35.00 on the left.

Next, you'll see your invoice number.

If you purchased any class with a single payment, you'll see just an eight-digit invoice number, like:

Invoice 01020304

If you purchased one of the classes I offer via subscription, you'll see the same sort of eight digit number, but right after it, separated by a hyphen, you'll also see the number of payments you've made. Like this:

Invoice 01234567-0006.

So in the example above, the yellow text is your invoice number, which will remain the same in every receipt you receive. Meanwhile, the number of the payment you're on will increase by one with every payment you make, until the payment plan is completed.

In the example shown above -- the number 0006 shows -- you will be paying the SIXTH payment.

If you know you purchased a seven-payment class, or a ten-payment class, you can look at this number and figure out how many payments you have left.

Below that is a little bit of beauty built into our shop software. Directly from your emailed receipt, you can click the big blue View in Dashboard button to see what you have paid so far, and all the payments you have made on any classes since we moved to the new system.

Article Details

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Date added:
2022-09-28 15:21:10

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